Monday, October 31, 2011

Upcoming Dates

Here are some important dates coming up in November:

11/9 Parent-Teacher conference from 2:30 to 4:00
11/10 Early Release @ 12:30; Parent-Teacher conferences from 2:30 to 8:00
11/10 Picture Retakes
11/11 No school – Veterans’ Day
11/18 Fall Festival
11/23 Early Release @ 12:30
11/24 – 11/25 No School

The 4th grade awards assembly will be in November, the front office has not given me the date for that yet. As soon as I know, I will send home a letter.



I know most students will be trick-or-treating tonight, and getting lots of candy. Please only allow one piece of candy to come to school. Students do not learn well, or stay focused, while on a sugar-high. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Have a fun night and be safe!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Literature Day, Friday, 10/28

Our class will be representing Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. We’ve been reading this novel as a class since September. We will be reading all 5 books in the series throughout the school year. Children can dress up as a character from the story. If they would like, they may bring in a plain t-shirt to paint on. We will be painting “Camp Half-Blood” on the shirts.

We will be painting shirts in the afternoon on Wednesday, October 26th to ensure they dry on time. If parents would like to come in to help supervise the painting, I would really appreciate it. Just give me a call or send me an email and I will get you more details.

The students would like to have a little party after the parade. (Our parade will be at 9:30, starting at the basketball court.) If you would like to contribute to the party, please send in healthy snacks – we will have a whole day of learning still ahead of us.

Thank you for all you do, and all of your amazing support!

Monday, October 17, 2011

End of Quarter One

Friday is the end of the first quarter. I KNOW!?!? Wow, is this year flying by! Make sure your student has turned in all missing/late work by Friday. If you think they may not be able to have it done by then, let me know and we will work out a completion schedule. The students all received a list of their missing work today.

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Field Trip Cancelled, 10/20

I am very sad to report that our field trip that was scheduled for Thursday, October 20th will be cancelled. At this time, Carden still does not have a bus driver. As soon as one is hired, I will try to get this field trip to the Lake Pleasant Outdoor Education Center rescheduled.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Important Dates this Week

Just wanted to send a reminder about important dates this week.

Thursday, October 6th: School pictures (uniforms required)
Friday, October 7th: No School – Fall Break
Monday, October 10th: No School – Fall Break
Tuesday, October 11th: No School – Staff Development