Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Field Trip

The 4th grade will be going on a field trip to the State Capitol Museum on Wednesday, March 14th. We will leave Carden at 8:30 am, and return about 1:30 that afternoon. We will be back before the 1:45 release time. Please keep this date open if you would like to chaperone.

Thank you!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Progress Reports

Check today's Tuesday Folder for progress reports. Please sign one copy and return to school.

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Big Wave

This week in class the students will be reading The Big Wave. Instead of reading the excerpt in our Open Court Reader, we will be reading the novel. It is only 57 pages and I am confident that all students will be able to read the novel and complete the activities in one week. I am loaning all of the students a copy of this book. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book, it can be found at Barnes and Noble for just a few dollars.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When Someone Forgets Their Math HW

Sometimes students might forget to bring their math HW books home. Here are the steps to printing the HW page from the online math book:

1.       Go to
2.       Enter in our access code: D9BDD83D9F
3.       Using the table of contents, choose the chapter the assignment is in – click the gray triangle to drop down the lesson numbers
4.       Select the lesson number of the nightly homework
5.       Click the “Resources” button, at the top next to the table of contents
6.       You can then select the Homework Practice
7.       The Homework Practice PDF will pop up in a new window, you can send to your printer.

Let me know if for any reason you aren’t able to access the math online student edition, or have any questions about how to do this.