Friday, May 11, 2012

Spirit Week

Spirit Week - May 14 to May 18

Monday: Sports day (dress like your favorite sports player)

Tuesday: Totally Twins Day (dress like someone else in the school, OK to be triplets)

Wednesday: Fun Hair Day (make your hair look fun but still wear your uniform)

Thursday: International Day (dress to represent Egypt)

Friday: Calibre Spirit Day (dress as red as possible)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Walk like an Egyptian!

Hello A-Team!
International Festival is taking place on Thursday, May 17th during the school day (from 1:00 to 2:30.) We will be representing Egypt this year. If you have attended International Festival in years past, this year’s event will be significantly smaller and much more low key – but still a great experience! We will only be touring the 4th and 5th grade classrooms.
Next week the students and I will begin our Egypt study. What a fascinating place and culture to learn about! Most of what we will review is Ancient Egypt. We will be learning about the myths, the people, and some of the Egyptian customs. One of the customs we will be focusing on is the food for the day of international festival.

I have linked a Cucumber-Feta salsa recipe that is served with pita chips. I need some help from the families to help prepare this dish for the students. We will need about 115 SMALL samples of this. I was hoping that a couple of families will make a large batch of the salsa, and I can portion it here – I have plenty of small cups. Add in a couple of bags of pita chips and voila! We are set to go.

I do need one or two parent volunteers the afternoon of the event. As the students are traveling to other classrooms, I need a parent in our classroom to help serve food. The students and I have not talked much about this event yet, but we will in the coming days.

Thank you for all your help and support this year – I have really appreciated it!